Information about House of Kasandra Bayatova in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The House of Kasandra Bayatova is located in Plovdiv and its coordinates are 42.1509 (North), 24.7528 (East). It could be interesting to improve this data point with historical information related to the House of Kasandra Bayatova - Plovdiv such as year of foundation or the architectural style that characterized the House of Kasandra Bayatova. Important events or people that had an impact on the House of Kasandra Bayatova can help the user of the map of Plovdiv and/or Bulgaria to have a more clear idea about the place. If you have written a blog post, filmed a video, found a news article or an academic paper that talks about the House of Kasandra Bayatova in Plovdiv do not hesitate to send an email with what you have found. The map of Plovdiv needs your help.
Type of Data Point - creation
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Inserted: 22-07-2023 06:07:07
Credits: InfoMap.Travel
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