Information about Forum - Gymnasium - Butrint in Ksamil, Albania. The Forum - Gymnasium - Butrint is located in Ksamil and its coordinates are 39.7454 (North), 20.0219 (East). It could be interesting to improve this data point with historical information related to the Forum - Gymnasium - Butrint such as year of foundation or the architectural style that characterized the Forum - Gymnasium - Butrint. Important events or people that had an impact on the Forum - Gymnasium - Butrint can help the user of the map of Ksamil and/or Albania to have a more clear idea about the place. If you have written a blog post, filmed a video, found a news article or an academic paper that talks about the Forum - Gymnasium - Butrint do not hesitate to send an email with what you have found. The map of Ksamil needs your help.
Type of Data Point - creation
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Inserted: 23-04-2023 06:04:59
Credits: InfoMap.Travel
Credits: InfoMap.Travel
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