Building of General Directorate of Archives - Tirana is a Government Building (Building) in Tirana, Albania. For people who love geography or want to set their GPS, here are the geographical coordinates: 41.3356, 19.8130. Do you know when the Building of General Directorate of Archives - Tirana was built? Do you know the names of the people involved in the construction, or had an impact in the history of the Building of General Directorate of Archives - Tirana? Please share those information with us, we are eager to make the map of Tirana in Albania the ultimate source of information for travellers and curious people. If you have a picture of the Building of General Directorate of Archives - Tirana please do not hesitate to get in touch by email. You can access the satellite view of the Building of General Directorate of Archives - Tirana through this link. For a Google Street view of Building of General Directorate of Archives - Tirana visit this page.
Type of Data Point - creation
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Inserted: 12-03-2023 07:03:21
Credits: InfoMap.Travel
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