Avni Rustemi Square is a Square in Tirana, Albania. For people who love geography or want to set their GPS, here are the geographical coordinates: 41.3293, 19.8249. Do you know when the Avni Rustemi Square was built? Do you know the names of the people involved in the construction, or had an impact in the history of the Avni Rustemi Square? Please share those information with us, we are eager to make the map of Tirana in Albania the ultimate source of information for travellers and curious people. If you have a picture of the Avni Rustemi Square please do not hesitate to get in touch by email. You can access the satellite view of the Avni Rustemi Square through this link. For a Google Street view of Avni Rustemi Square visit this page.
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Inserted: 09-03-2023 08:03:37
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